



contact me for the complete Pricing index

FIRST CONSULTATION &  QUESTIONNAIRE  Free of charge, just contact me and let me know when.

COMPLETE DIGITAL INFORMATION PACKAGE In case you are just interested in all the information I have gathered, and want it on file to pursue on your own.      

SECOND CONSULTATION FOR SCHEDULING ONLY  When you are ready to start your Dental Travel Adventure and want me to take care of all the Scheduling.   

ON-SITE DOULA  In case you have decided that you would like on-site practical and/or emotional support.           

OFF-SITE DOULA  In case you have decided that you only need some off-site practical and/or emotional support.

RETURN CLIENT CONSULTATION TO COMPLETE THEIR TREATMENT  To help set up the next step on your Self Empowering Dental Travel Path.

Let your Innerworld reflect your Outer Experience

Let your Innerworld reflect your Outer Experience

Create the Life you Desire from the Inside Out

Create the Life you Desire from the Inside Out



contact me for the complete pricing index

SELF-DISCOVERY & HEALING COACHING Based on the principles of my book ‘Innerworld Guardianship, the Job of a Lifetime. (Author) (Check out my Book)  

E.F.T. SESSION (Emotional Freedom Technique or Tapping) ( Certified Practitioner)

BREATHING TECHNIQUE Mindfulness through breathing following the Vipassana principles of Anapana. (6x Old Student)

GUIDED MEDITATION Using my own Intuitive Guidance System to arrive with you at a calmer state and an open connection to your True Self. 

GUIDED INNERWORLD JOURNEYING Together we tap into my own personal Inward Travel System to connect you with the unseen Realm in all of us. 

INTUITIVE ENERGY COACHING Based on the understanding that Thoughts and Feelings create Energy throughout our bodies and beyond, this work is about understanding our thoughts and feelings and shifting the negative into positive.


let me take care of it for you, or get the digital info package and create your own unique dental travel adventure

DENTAL CONSULTATION With the my Dental Team to start your Dental Healing.

PERIODONTAL CONSULTATION Or any other treatment you might require.

X RAYS If you opt to have them done when you arrive in Escazu, San Jose.

ENERGY HEALING Highly recommended because of my own Emotional Healing experience prior to my Dental work.

VITAMIN TRANSFUSION To boost your immune system throughout the healing process.

HOLISTIC MEDICINE CONSULTATION In case you are curious about refraining from Antibiotics or other General Medicine during the procedures.

OTHER - I can use my trusted and experienced connections to find you the best offers for any other appointments you would like me to set up.

Take Control of your own Destiny

Take Control of your own Destiny


“ … Korinne May’s Dental Doula service is the answer to a prayer! Knowing International dentistry could save me thousands, with no clue where to begin, her inspiring presence made travel dentistry easy and FUN!! Thank you Korinne for opening the doors to an empowering experience of a lifetime… Tesa, New York

/  Satisfied Client  /